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l1 l2 x

  • Marry my L1 fiancé in US as an ESTA and apply L2 in home country

    Hello all,
    My fiancé is currently in the US with an L1 and we have plans for marriage, however he cannot travel to my country. Therefore we are contemplating marrying in the US while I am a ESTA visitor and then return back to my home country to apply for the L2.
    By doing this, would it...
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    Last edited by Dubraska; 10-19-2021, 09:27 PM.

  • Having 498a, 125, DV and applying for L1

    Hi All,

    My wife filed 498a, 125, DV against me in 2016. I have never been arrested due to these cases. Police has filed charge-sheet. I got bail in 498a without travel restriction. My charges are not framed yet under 498a trial.
    What should be the answer for following questions:...
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  • tuachotu
    started a topic L1 Renewal Interview in Canada

    L1 Renewal Interview in Canada

    I am planning to go for my L1 renewal (due Dec 2017) in Canada. I am going there with my wife and 3 yr old daughter. I have following questions...
    1. As a third country case.. what questions they may ask (related to choice of location of interview) ?
    2. Although I was looking...
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