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l1a and h1b x

  • dhanu_US
    started a topic L1A & H1B - Need advice

    L1A & H1B - Need advice

    Hello, I am currently in India and I have an H1B ( cap exempted).
    I want to come back to USA but my Indian office is not ready to support while US office is ready. ( same company)

    What is the best option for me?
    1. Get into the USA by body shopper route and approach to US....
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  • Travelling in L1A Visa while having H1B-EB2 processing is in progress

    Hi - Currently i am in India after completing 6 years in US(L1B+H1B). I have 2 more years left in my H1B. My employer has started H1B-EB2 processing , but I140 is not yet approved. As it will take another 8-10 months for me to get I140 approved, my employer is planning to send me in L1A visa. My question...
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  • jenviro
    started a topic Eligibility H1B --> L1A, Complete

    Eligibility H1B --> L1A, Complete

    I have entered USA on F1 visa in 2006. Since that continued employment on OPT and H1b.

    Now I'm in 5th year of H1B and my GC process has not been started. I have promoted to Manager a year back and have 15 onsite and 35 offshore team member reporting to me.

    Can I change...
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  • Outside of US for 1 year can abandon my L1A visa?


    My L1A is maxing out in April 2017. As I am already in 6th year my attorney said this new H1 cannot be initiated although I have got Labor approved 1 year ahead of my 6 years in US.

    Now... fortunately or unfortunately... (yet to determine) my L1 A was stamped...
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  • rrd
    started a topic L1 to H1B Status Change question

    L1 to H1B Status Change question

    I have been working in US since 2012 on L1A Visa. Around 2015 March I have processed my old unused H1B visa (different employer) and got approved from March 2015. After that, I have tried to find a job for me, it was a long search ,finally I succeed with a permanent position - just this month October...
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  • Kol
    started a topic L1A - H1B Conversion 2nd RFE

    L1A - H1B Conversion 2nd RFE

    Currently on L1A status valid till Aug 2015.Applied L1A to H1B this year and got RFE two times.Please guide me on the following

    1)Chances of clearing a second RFE if client is not willing to give any documentation and no new additional SOW to submit.

    2)What other documents...
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  • mkv17011
    started a topic L1A Confusion - Pls help

    L1A Confusion - Pls help

    I working for company-A and in India now. As company-A didn't give any assurance to process visa in this year, I applied for an H1B through a US based Desi consultant as a technical resource and it got approved.
    But now now company-A wants me to do L1A (as I am doing a managerial role by more...
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