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l1b part time x

  • nitin.muddana
    started a topic L1B switching to part-time

    L1B switching to part-time

    Hi, I am on L1B visa in the US. My current employer is spinning out a new entity and I will transitioning to a full time role in this new entity.

    The arrangement is that I switch to a part-time role with my current employer from February onward and work for this new spin-off entity ('new...
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  • As an L1 Visa holder, can I work part time?


    I came to US on L1-B Visa. As an L1 Visa holder, can I work part time?

    I went to FAQ's under L1 Visa in this web site. They answered 'Yes' for the above question. But, some people in some other websites are telling 'No'

    Please some one clarify regarding...
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  • karthi16
    started a topic Working as freelancer while in L1B

    Working as freelancer while in L1B

    Hi ,

    I have a L1B and am working for employerA, at the same time i am developing my own website and getting revenue from the ads from google and other ad agency, i am getting 1099 Misc form from google. is this legal ? please advice, i have filed the tax and have declared the 1099...
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