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l1b visa x

  • praveen.chenni
    started a topic L1 B for UX/UI Designer

    L1 B for UX/UI Designer

    Hi all,

    I am working as UX/UI Designer. My company is planing L1 B ( USA ) for me.
    • Education: BA ( Bachor of Arts )
    • Experience : 8 years ( with present company 11 years ( Total )
    • Certifications: Human Factors - Certified Usability Analysts
    is my qualifications are good for L1 B visa...
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  • L1B visa after UK startup being acquired by US company

    Hi everyone,

    Apologies if my question has already been posted before. I did some research but didn't find anything close enough to my case.

    I have been working full time and continuously for almost 3 years in a UK startup (let's call it A). "A" is in the process of...
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    Last edited by Damien; 12-30-2019, 10:39 AM.

  • Currently on L2. L1B interview experience in Canada?

    Hello all,

    I'm currently on an L2 visa in the US. I'm not working currently but I have got an offer from my previous employer and they are filing for a fresh L1B application.

    I have scheduled the visa interview in Vancouver, Canada. I have the below questions.
    1. If anyone
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  • thekishorilal
    started a topic New EAD application - after L2

    New EAD application - after L2

    Hi All,

    I have got an L2 visa stamped (Dec 2018) based on my wife's L1B. Her required project hasn't started yet, so she will not be travelling till end of Feb 2019. I inquired and got to know that EAD, which will enable me to work in US, will take 90 days (or 3 months) for processing....
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  • neeluiyer
    started a topic Total Years Eligible on L1A post L1B

    Total Years Eligible on L1A post L1B

    I was on L1B for 2 years and 6 months. I was in US without Gap. (Arrival US - 1/8/2014; Departure 6/30/2016). I was there in India for two months.
    I applied for L1A VISA which got approved for three years (Valid till 7/4/2019)
    Reached US on 9/28/2016 and am staying in US.
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  • URGENT: L2 Visa Refusal, help required!!!

    I, my wife and baby appeared for L1B (I am the primary applicant) and L2 visa interview at the US consulate at Chennai today. While my petition was approved and passports were retained by VCO for myself and our baby, my wife's visa was put on administrative processing hold and a blue paper...
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  • jethin
    started a topic B1 to L1b Conversion

    B1 to L1b Conversion


    my company is having branches across USA also. they are planning to take me to USA in B1 visa and to convert the same to L1b once i reached there. what i need to know is .

    1. is it possible to convert my B1 visa to L1b.
    2. can i apply for b2 visa for my spouse...
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  • pradeepcec
    started a topic L1B Visa Eligibility Post Aquisition

    L1B Visa Eligibility Post Aquisition

    Hello All,
    I was expecting my company to file a L1B visa for myself, in which I have about 2 years of work experience, but now my company got acquired by another company.

    And as L1B visa requirement says that I need to have at-least 1 year experience with the company before I...
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  • Should the L1B visa holder be present for L2 dependant interview?

    Dear Friends,

    I have valid L1B visa stamped last year and valid through 2017. I travelled to US last year and returned this march 2015. Now I am residing in India.
    My company is initiating internal transfer for me and hence I would be moving to US by Oct 2015.

    I have...
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    Last edited by ashok_vamaka; 08-05-2015, 02:55 AM.

  • H1B Visa petition rejection leading to B1/B2 rejection

    Hi All,

    My petition for H1B visa was rejected in 2013 after an RFP. I never appeared for any interview. Is that a visa rejection or simply petition rejection?

    The reason i`m asking this question is because I recently applied for B1/B2 category from Toronto where i`m currently...
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  • sacnov
    started a topic Going for L1B stamping in Ottawa Canada

    Going for L1B stamping in Ottawa Canada

    I am currently on L1B working with big Nasdaq listed MNC in USA, Going to Ottawa Canada for new L1B visa stamping on 4/9/2013.
    Can you guys share your experiences of ottawa consulate when you went for same type of visa stamping and type of questions been asked by VO;Will appreciate If you share...
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  • L1B - Visa US - Convicted of DWI NJ - Traffic Offense - Want to Apply Mexico Work Vis


    I am Indian working in US with a L1B Visa. I was convicted on DWI in NJ - which is a Traffic Offense. My License is currently suspended.

    My company wants to file my Mexican Work Visa from US.

    Would this be an issue?

    Appreciate all you...
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  • prabhuvajjiram
    started a topic L1B Visa -- Advance Parole

    L1B Visa -- Advance Parole

    My Current L1B is expiring on December 2012 and has valid I94 till 2015, I know I can stay and work with same employer until my I94 expired.
    Also my labor approved and I-140 applied last week waiting for decision

    My question is,
    1. If I want to travel to India by March 2013...
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  • bips19
    started a topic L1B visa idle time in US

    L1B visa idle time in US

    Hello Geeks,

    I have been working on L1B visa on-site for last 1.5 years. Unfortunately, the client has decided to termite the project and hence I've been trying to relocate to another project. I've only a couple of weeks to find a new project or else my company will send me back home...
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  • ShwetaRaul
    started a topic Apply L1B having L2 visa

    Apply L1B having L2 visa

    Hi everyone,

    This is Shweta. I am working woman in india and now on L2 visa ( on leave without pay) with my husband havingL1B visa. My india based company has offereed me job here in US. So can I go and apply for L1B in India for this position?

    Will my L2 visa get void...
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