Mixed Insurance Banners Health Insurance for Visitors to USA


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  • Swimmer_sk
    started a topic I-140 Approved and I am out of US.

    I-140 Approved and I am out of US.

    Hi Everyone,

    I have received my approval for i140, and earlier i mentioned for adjustment of status, and i was wondering if i can change it to consular processing ! Does it make a delay in my case?

    Thank you
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    Last edited by Swimmer_sk; 05-06-2016, 12:14 PM.

  • treb90
    started a topic n400 Spouse, part 8, part 4

    n400 Spouse, part 8, part 4

    I am a US citizen since 2008, my wife is a permanent resident and we are about to apply for naturalization for her (she will have 3 years since she became permanent resident in January 2015). I wanted to get answers to a few questions from this wonderful website and helpful people who...
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  • sandeshjd
    started a topic H1B visa - Leaving for good!!!

    H1B visa - Leaving for good!!!

    Hi I am on H1b visa. I am planning to quit my job and leave US for good. I also have to serve the notice period for one month as per my employment contract. Let's say 28th Feb is my last day of the employment, how much time do I have to leave the country. I heard USCIS may give us 10 days to leave the...
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  • indiananu
    started a topic US visit visa - extension

    US visit visa - extension

    My parents are currently staying with me in Los Angeles. They arrived here on April 24th on visit visa. This is their second time here.
    Their 6 months of stay ends in October 2011. I have a personal emergency where I need them to stay another 5 months or so past October, meaning I would like...
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