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lost ead x

  • LOST MY EAD! Do I need it for Green Card interview??

    Hi everybody!

    I just lost my EAD card! I have a Green Card interview with my wife scheduled for March 12. The "Request for Applicant to Appear for Initial Interview" specifies that I must bring "any immigration-related documentation ever issued to you, including and Employment...
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  • Memodaniel1
    started a topic I need help!!

    I need help!!

    Sorry I'm new to this forum thing. I just have a question I need to ask. Maybe somebody has gone through the same thing as me or is simply well informed.

    I am hoping to get approved for advanced parole. It would be a humanitarian reason, to see my sick grandmother. I understand I need...
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  • EAD Card and Approval Notice lost in USPS Mail

    Hi Friends,

    I have applied for 24 Month Stem OPT extension and it got approved and i saw the status as Card Delivered for my case, but i received neither card nor approval notice but when i contacted the USCIS they provided me the tracking number which is showing as Delivered.
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  • USPS Unable to Locate EAD. New EAD from USCIS?

    Description of Problem:

    My EAD (F-1 OPT) was mailed to me by USCIS on February 9. Not having received it till February 15, I contacted USCIS and obtained its USPS tracking number. Upon tracking it I found the status displayed as "No Access" on Feb.14. Basically, the tracking...
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  • saj2017
    started a topic H4/New EAD Application

    H4/New EAD Application

    Hi All,

    I had an EAD (when my spouse was on L1 VISA) which was valid for the years 2008-2009. Since 2009 end I am on H4 and never had an EAD again. My SSN was issued on 2008.

    Now I am filling the EAD application in Liu of an approved I-140. There is a question in the EAD Application...
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    Last edited by saj2017; 01-09-2017, 01:35 PM. Reason: rewording

  • Lost EAD which has not been given to the employer


    My new EAD came 2 weeks ago and my previous EAD is expired 2 days ago. The human resources contacted me to bring my new card but I could not find it. In this case, as far as I know I have to fill the same papers and apply for another EAD and it is gonna take another 2-3 months....
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  • ajitm
    started a topic Lost Dependent EAD

    Lost Dependent EAD

    I am the primary and I received EAD with AP stamped earlier this year. My spouse didn't receive hers (it was approved but lost in mail); USCIS suggested we should apply new EAD card. I would like to know whether primary can switch job while spouse replacement EAD application is in progress?...
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