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lpr wedding x

  • Can I apply for F-1 visa while married to a green card holder?

    I am currently residing in India. I got in to a Master's program for Fall,2017. I am getting married in 2 weeks to a green card holder and I will go for my F-1 visa interview after the wedding. We have no intention to file an immigration petition on my behalf in the near future. Would there be any difficulty...
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  • Joeschmo
    started a topic LPR marrying F1 student

    LPR marrying F1 student

    Hello dear community- Please advise me on the case below.

    - I am a GC marrying a F1 this month. There is a 3 year waitlist for GC spouses and I have 3 more years to go for citizenship
    - My F1 fiancee graduates (MS in Lifesciences) in Dec and will have to maintain her own status...
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