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  • maheshmaj123
    started a topic Visa transfer within 6 months of I140

    Visa transfer within 6 months of I140

    Hi All,

    The following are my details

    I140 Approved - October 5th 2018
    H1B Expiration with Visa and I94 with 6 years maxing out- 29th Aug 2019

    I want to switch jobs, and even though i will wait for the exact 180 days period to complete on 3rd april,...
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  • Entering US 70-75 days before visa expiry.

    Hi Team,

    My existing H1B stamped visa will expire on 27-Mar-2018(max-out date of my current visa). I have perm approved and i-140 filed. Will it be fine if I travel to India in Dec-2017 and return to US by 15-Jan-2018 i.e. around 70-75 days before the visa expires? Do they ask questions...
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  • rajkmohan
    started a topic HiB Maxout period

    HiB Maxout period


    I got my first H1B new in Jan 2012. I was in USA from April 2012 till Sep 2014 and then I came back to India for a family emergency. Meanwhile I got I140 approved in Aug 2016 as well. My H1 visa also got expired on Dec 31st 2015 itself. Now that I have some series of questions to...
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  • H1B renewal after 6 years while ETA 9089/I 140 is being processed

    Hi All,

    My H1 B max out date is Jan 2017. My company is processing my ETA 9089 and hopefully would do my I 140 (premium) by that time frame. In case my ETA 9089/ I 140 is not approved by then, would I loose my H1B status altogether? Can I stay until the end of the max out date, go out...
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  • L1+H1B 6 years max out question

    I came to US In Feb 2009 on L1-B visa (valid until Jan-2012) with Employer A. I was on L1-B until November-2011 (33 months).
    Instead of L1-b extension, My employer filed for my H1-B in September 2011 and it was approved in November 2011(change of status). Since November, 2011, I was on H1-B...
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  • np321
    started a topic L1B - extension - stamping outside USA

    L1B - extension - stamping outside USA

    Initially i was on L1B visa which was valid till Jan-2013.
    However for same project,client and employer i got intra company transfer to UK from Jan-2013 itself.
    Before leaving USA i had applied for L1-B visa extension, for which i got approval in Mar-2013.. L1B visa got extended till Jan-2015...
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