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n400 based on 3 years x

  • U.S. citizen spouse never filed taxes

    Hi folks.

    We won GC through DV2 (GC lottery) in 2012. I became US citizen in 2019, my spouse didn't filed N400. We never filed taxes because we never worked and we are living on our savings. Now my spouse wants to file out N400 through "3 year US spouse". Does my spouse need...
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  • Cazmacca
    started a topic Confused N400 filer in NYC

    Confused N400 filer in NYC


    I filed snail mail to TX in Dec 2017 and had my biometrics done in Jan..... I've heard nothing since. It may not seem a long time, but a search of online brings stats from 4 months to 2 years....eek! So, I would rather hear personal experiences.

    I live in NYC, and...
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  • N-400 update !!!A MUST READ!!!

    So to get some more background read my other posts.
    I submitted my application in October and it was received on OCTOBER 30, 2017.
    just a brief summary of what happened. I submitted my N400 before realizing i did not meet the continuous residence requirement. I was told mostly to wait...
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  • penni
    started a topic Filing N-400 based on marriage

    Filing N-400 based on marriage

    If you are filing based on marriage, do you need to write 5 years of employment/living/travel on the N400 form, or do you just do the three years? Form says 5 years, but that doesn’t really make sense for people applying based on 3 years marriage…
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