Mixed Insurance Banners Health Insurance for Visitors to USA


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  • Jajju
    started a topic B1 B2 Visa experience

    B1 B2 Visa experience

    Firstly , a huge thanks to the immihelp forum , taking guidance from it , Me and my husband were able to successfully get our US B1 B 2 visa without the help of any agents whatsoever!

    I am sharing my experience here so that it is of help to future applicants and help reduce their anxiety....
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  • once cancelled + missed submission of documents

    Dear all,
    I had taken an appointment for my parents @ New Delhi for tourist visa B2.
    i cancelled this appointment & opted for Mumbai for appt on 31-May
    But i was not aware of advance submission of documents at Mumbai consulate, so i have not submitted these documents @ vfs application...
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  • rahulchadha84
    started a topic NO SHOW at counslate

    NO SHOW at counslate

    Hi ,

    I had a no show at the consulate, is it a problem.

    It was due to my petition having wrong data ... is it a problem to mention it if asked reason for no show

    or playing safe by saying unwell is a better way out?
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