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non compete x

  • H1b - non compete agreement suggestion

    Hi, I'm employed by the consultancy A through Vendor B for client C ( A -> B -> C). The current contract with C is ending soon. But C is ready to offer me full time for a different team. But I have concerns over my non-compete agreement. I'm confused if my consultancy A will sue me if I take the...
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    Last edited by dxs; 05-01-2021, 04:09 PM.

  • How do I bypass non solicitation policy.

    Hi All,

    I'm in a serious issue with a desi employer.

    I'm working with this company for more than 1 and half years now and I recently received a FTE offer from the client.

    The middle vendor does not have any issues with the offer.

    But, my employer had...
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  • sams
    started a topic Need help on non compete

    Need help on non compete

    I have joined company x. I signed a non compete agreement with it. I am working for client A. But, there we're 2 layers in between, through company x, there was a middle vendor y and he sent me to client through another vendor z. Now I joined company z. Will non compete apply in this case?
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  • Raghunandan
    started a topic Non-competition clause

    Non-competition clause

    I have signed for Non-Competition clause with my employer A.
    My employer A outsourced me to B (Middle vendor). I am working client C from B(Middle vendor). A -> B -> C

    Can I work for B by transferring H1B visa to another employer D?
    D -> B -> C
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  • Urgent - Non Compete Agreement


    Below is the clause that i was asked to sign 4 yrs back while accepting my hike and was signed in India. Now I am in NJ, USA. My Customer is offering a full time position because of the NCA I am planing to join another vendor and work for the same Customer. Pls let me know will there...
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    Last edited by sathish_selvam; 02-02-2012, 10:39 AM. Reason: Changing the company name

  • mid-vendor sued me and my new employer

    I work in a company A (H1B EMPLOYER) through mid vendor B, direct vendor( to client) C and work for end client D

    A(H1B)--->B(mid vendor)--->C(direct vendor)--->D(end client)

    mid vendor B arranged my work at client D and the owner of B is also a contractor at D...
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