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petition change x

  • Need a clarification on name change - H1 (petition stage)


    I have applied for H1b on this year’s CAP ,the clarification needed would be.

    I have my passport surname wrongly printed and the petition was also raised in the same name. Now I had applied for a name change in passport which will be as re-issue of the passport with...
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  • swethakuru
    started a topic petition changed for L1

    petition changed for L1

    We came to US L1(my husband) and L2 (me)on June 2010as per the company 'A' petition dated from june 2010 to june 2013 and now the 'A' company is taken over by company 'B' and so his company issued a new petition with name change as 'B' and the date from dec 2010 to dec 2013.

    Do we need...
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  • swethakuru
    started a topic Petition changed for L1

    Petition changed for L1

    We came to US L1(my husband) and L2 (me)on June 2010as per the company 'A' petition dated from june 2010 to june 2013 and now the 'A' company is taken over by company 'B' and so his company issued a new petition with name change as 'B' and the date from dec 2010 to dec 2013.

    Do we need
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    Last edited by swethakuru; 07-21-2011, 01:03 PM.




