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relocation x

  • Reentry on H1 visa after Relocation to Home Country

    [COLOR=#000080][SIZE=14px]1. [FONT=comic sans ms] My current employer is filing a new perm application. Through my earlier employer, my I-140 has been already approved. My earlier employer didn
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    Last edited by knilesh26; 04-05-2019, 07:21 PM.

  • nks01
    started a topic Moving back to India

    Moving back to India

    My I-485 is pending and my priority date is Feb 2010. My EAD/AP is valid till March 2016.My I-140 mentions my job title as "Computer Systems Analyst". I changed my employer in 2013 and currently work as "Senior Database Administrator" I have a good job offer(Product Manager) in India....
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  • Can I move to a different city right after getting my Green Card?

    I don't intend to quit my current company. I'm currently on an H1B visa, and am in talks with my current employer of moving to a different city within the US, actually to the same job title and description. This is scheduled to happen within a month of my Green Card being approved. Are there any restrictions...
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  • Moving twice after receiving the Green Card - problem for Naturalization?

    Hi and thanks for reading,

    I got my EB-2 based Green Card last year. Since then I had to relocate to another state in the U.S. and it seems that I will have to move to yet another state soon. I have stayed and will stay with the same employer this whole time.
    I am planning on applying...
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  • abhinav.bansal
    started a topic Is an amendment required?

    Is an amendment required?

    I am curretly employed by employer x working for client y at location p. My office location is proposed to change from p to q and the new location is just across the street. Would this warrant as a material change requireing an amendment or new LCA?
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  • oblivious
    started a topic Relocation expenses on resignation onsite

    Relocation expenses on resignation onsite

    Hi, my colleague has resigned in US. She is on L1 visa. Is company supposed to pay for the return ticket to India?

    Another related question is - what if she requested for early termination and did not want to serve the entire notice period required? Does the company has right to not pay...
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  • PurveenShah
    started a topic Relocating? Do your research first.

    Relocating? Do your research first.

    If you are moving from one country to another, it is important to do some research on international relocation in advance. Planning ahead will help you to have an efficient and safe move. It will also help to relieve stress and worry.

    Your first task in acquiring an international shipper...
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  • gc2710
    started a topic Relocation after Labor clearance

    Relocation after Labor clearance

    Hi All,

    Here is my situation:

    I was in city A when I filed for my labor, got an audit and it cleared recently. Now I have moved to city B within the same state before my I-140 application is being filed. My labor is for a traveling consultants position.

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  • jessica98762002
    started a topic OCI in India

    OCI in India

    I recently became a US citizan and also got my OCI cards (myself and my wife). We have received a 3 year assignment to work in India and I am planning to relocate to India.
    My wife is 5 months into pregnancy. What happens if my wife delivers a baby in India?
    Can I apply OCI card for my...
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  • BrdMnd
    started a topic Reg salary details in I-134

    Reg salary details in I-134


    I am on L1-B and came to US in NJ with an X amount of salary (this amt is
    given in my petition) . After 3 months I came to Florida and the salary came to Y, as I moved from NJ to FL, certainly my salary came down (X>Y). Now, In the employment letter that I have received...
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