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salary h1b x

  • Prevailing wage changed in 2023. What do I do?


    My H1B started in Oct 2022 and while applying (in Jan 2022), the prevailing wage for my occupation and area was about 78K. I am a software engineer in the LA area.
    I just noticed that the prevailing wage on FLCDataCenter is now increased to a little over 80K.
    Does that...
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  • Petition/LCA Salary mismatch with DS160

    This is my first ever H1B visa. I have my interview in a couple of days.

    In the LCA submitted my prevailing wages are mentioned as 60K and in the approved H1B petition my wages are mentioned as 70K.

    While filling the DS160 form, I have filled 60K as my US salary. As the...
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  • H1 Petition and DS 160 having a different wages

    My H1 B petition they mentioned wages as 55K. But when I'm filling the DS 160, I've been asked to put the approximate salary as 65K. I came to know the difference when I received the petition from the employer. Will it be problem? Or is there any way to update the salary info in DS 160. My interview...
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  • Urgent : H1B Employee Transfer

    Hi Everyone! I am working as an consultant for an employer X who's paying me very less salary but has filed for my H1 this year (2016) and it's approved. However, would like to transfer to a different employer Y for better prospects.

    Can somebody give me an insight in detail on how to...
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  • ashishdeep
    started a topic H1B Visa Salary and Stamping

    H1B Visa Salary and Stamping

    My wife has been on H1B Visa effective Oct 1 2014, She was on bench until February 2015 and was not paid any salary. Afterwards when she is on her project she is getting paid per her billing rate negotiated with the end client. I know it is no correct on employers end to not pay salary...
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  • pks_85
    started a topic Salary mismatch in LCA and DS160

    Salary mismatch in LCA and DS160


    While entering the monthly salary in DS160, I didn't mention the decimal part and because of that there is a difference of $11 in the annual salary mentioned in the LCA (LCA contains the minimum salary for H1). I have my OFC appointment on Monday and Tuesday. Can you please let me...
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  • rahulmajithia
    started a topic Salary Mismatch

    Salary Mismatch


    My employer has an approved LCA and H1B petition with a salary mentioned as A. My offer letter and Pay check has salary B. where A > B by 8000$.

    What are the implications and what should be the corrective action?

    Am I in trouble or the company is in...
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