Mixed Insurance Banners Health Insurance for Visitors to USA


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  • Husband Applying For Permanent Residency in Canada

    I just had a few questions about the spousal visa/permanent residence application and I'm crossing my fingers I can get some answers. My husband is an American and I am a Canadian. We recently had a child in the US and I have decided to temporarily reside in Washington so that we can be together as...
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  • tua
    started a topic B@ selfsponsored

    B@ selfsponsored

    Hi ,

    My mom wants to visit US as a self -sponsored visitor . I have L1B visa . I am looking for an oportunity to go to US with an assignment but not yet fixed . So Can she show that as a reason along with travelling . In such case what are the documents shw would need to produce. In...
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  • Deepsen
    started a topic Self-Sponsor


    Hi, My parents would be visiting in Aug. They would be self sponsoring their trip to the USA. Have a couple to questions regarding that:

    1) As they are self-sponsoring, do i need to provide Affadit of Support form I-134. What are the exact docs i need to give.

    2)I had typed...
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  • jsdan
    started a topic Question about self sponsors

    Question about self sponsors


    If my parents are going to sponsor themselves whats the minimum financial amount they need to show in order to qualify as self sponsors?

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