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spelling x

  • Filling i-130, enter family name as Muller or Mueller?

    Hi everyone,

    I'm currently filling out an i130 for my German spouse and am running into some trouble determining which spelling of her last name should go on the petition. Muller in Germany is written as 'Müller' with the umlaut(two dots) and there isn't any guideline or rule as to how...
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    Last edited by oblivion; 01-14-2020, 01:29 AM.

  • Spelling mistake in companion name

    Hi everyone,
    I filled the online ds-160 form for my brother and mother who are travelling together. All the spellings are correct, except in my mother's form, in the companion section, instead of an A I typed an E for my brother's surname, his details are correct in his form, I have submitted...
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  • shahzadmunir
    started a topic Spelling mistake in name

    Spelling mistake in name

    hi all

    I am Shahzad Munir from Pakistan. I am going to process my H1B visa. the problem is that in matriculation certificate my name is mis-spelled as 'Shahzad Muner' and father name is also spelled as Muner whereas I write Munir with 'i'. bechelors degree is made based on matric certificate...
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    Last edited by shahzadmunir; 05-09-2011, 07:21 AM.

  • My wife’s name is spelled wrongly in MY passport

    Dear All,

    I am on H1B working in US. My wife’s name is spelled wrongly in MY passport.( one letter wrongly added)

    Will this affect her H4 stamping. I have all the documents included marriage certificate where her name is spelled correctly.

    Any input in...
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  • HeavenlyChap007
    started a topic Spelling Discrepancy

    Spelling Discrepancy

    Hello folks:

    I was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to clarify my doubt. My originial name (as seen in my birth certificate, mark sheets, etc.) is Alvin, but after I completed my schooling I have been using the spelling Alvyn for all documentation. For example I have the name...
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