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support affidavit x

  • Affidavit of Support Concerns - Employment and Taxes

    Hello All ^_^

    So, my USC husband is sponsoring my Adjustment of Status. There are a couple issues I'm worried may cause problems in the Affidavit of Support portion:

    1. He recently became unemployed when his company suddenly shutdown in mid-December of 2016. He's been sending...
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  • Petitioner/sponsor tax prob & sponsor advice needed...

    Hi, we need help, my Husband has applied for Adjustment of Status and I am the petitioner...

    Everything was going smoothly until we hit a bump with the Affidavit of Support. You see I'm young and have never worked before and have never needed to file taxes but they are asking for my income...
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    Last edited by vandel; 09-14-2010, 06:43 PM. Reason: additional information

  • Affidavit of support by church?

    Our church sponsors and orphanage in Haiti and the pastor who runs it is planning to come visit and preach at our church in Minnesota for two weeks this summer. Can the affidavit of support be filled out by the church as an organization or does it need to be an individual such as the pastor or a congregant?...
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