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visa l1 x

  • marwen_brikcha
    started a topic L1B Visa - Married

    L1B Visa - Married


    I'm an engineer and I’m preparing a L1-B visa to get a work permit in USA.
    So, I'm married and I want to bring my wife with me during my work period in USA?

    How can I do this please ?

    Prepare a Visa B1/B2 for her ? Or what I can do here ?...
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  • RPF
    started a topic L1 Visa - Internal Transfer

    L1 Visa - Internal Transfer

    The company that I work for is discussing about transfer me to the office in US.

    I have an associate degree + 8 years of experience at this company + 10 years of experience on previous company. On top of that, I have an unfinished bachelor degree (finished 6/8). Question is if I will...
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  • tonynguyen6480
    started a topic Visa L1 problem - Please help

    Visa L1 problem - Please help

    Hi all,
    Please take a look on my special case and help if you have experience on L1 visa.

    Thank you very much for your helps.
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    Last edited by tonynguyen6480; 02-22-2012, 04:44 PM.




