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work visa tranfer x

  • Changing Employers while Visa Extension is in process

    I am currently working in company A. My current H1B expires on Oct 1 and Company A in New York has applied for an extension on May 23, 2014 in regular processing. I have not received my receipt yet. In the meantime, I have an offer from Company B in Texas that is now going to apply for my visa transfer...
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  • vsriniv3
    started a topic H1 visa frequent transfers

    H1 visa frequent transfers

    Hi all,

    I left company A and joined company B. My visa transfer got completed a week ago, but now I want to go back to company A. There is a possibility that company A might be sold within the year and another visa transfer may be required.

    I am worried if there will be...
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    Last edited by vsriniv3; 10-20-2011, 01:05 AM.




