My relative based in Rajkot applied to cancell his British Passport, obtained renounciation certificate, which was forwarded through Rajkot Collectorate to Gandhinagar.
His case for grant of indian citizenship is delayed. Porbably, the renounciation certificate is lost in transit sending from Rajkot to Gandhinagar and now one is prepared to clarify this.
Is there a way to obtain a duplicate Renounciation Certificate, in such a situation, as he has cancelled his British Passport and cannot travel, and as document are not received at Gandhinagar , thought said to be accepted,
they are to be signed by District Magistrate and competent authoirty . My relative is in trouble. without any passports with him. it happedn in 2007.
He has been staying long at Rajkot since 1992 with his family at Rajkot Guajrat. He might have pan card, adhar card, ration card Municapl council tax bill , electricity bill, telephone bill to prove his residence of Rajkot/Guajrat.
Can anyone help to get him either a) Indian Citizenship and indian passport b) if not not possible how should he be able to get a British Passport Back, which is already cancelled by him , but in absence of the lost
renounciation certificate, his is unable to proceed further Expecting advice and guidance.
His case for grant of indian citizenship is delayed. Porbably, the renounciation certificate is lost in transit sending from Rajkot to Gandhinagar and now one is prepared to clarify this.
Is there a way to obtain a duplicate Renounciation Certificate, in such a situation, as he has cancelled his British Passport and cannot travel, and as document are not received at Gandhinagar , thought said to be accepted,
they are to be signed by District Magistrate and competent authoirty . My relative is in trouble. without any passports with him. it happedn in 2007.
He has been staying long at Rajkot since 1992 with his family at Rajkot Guajrat. He might have pan card, adhar card, ration card Municapl council tax bill , electricity bill, telephone bill to prove his residence of Rajkot/Guajrat.
Can anyone help to get him either a) Indian Citizenship and indian passport b) if not not possible how should he be able to get a British Passport Back, which is already cancelled by him , but in absence of the lost
renounciation certificate, his is unable to proceed further Expecting advice and guidance.