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changing status from visitor Visa to UK Work Permit

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  • changing status from visitor Visa to UK Work Permit

    Hi there!

    Is it possible for a person to come to UK as family visitor and then by any chance he can apply for work permit in UK.? please do reply ASAP.


  • #2
    Hi since Sep 2005 the BIA/Home Office have changed the rules.Any person on visitor visa cannot change their status to any other visa whilst in UK.Also from this may/june there are some big changes coming both for HSMP and workpermit visa so better to apply asap from the applicants home country.Make sure if the job is not shortlisted occupations on workpermits UK website then it has to be advertised atleast for 6 weeks to make the workpermit appl legal and able.Hope this helps.


    • #3
      need ur help

      hi nadim.i know this has nothin to do with ur current query but this was the only way i could contact u.i was going through ur earlier post and i find myself in the same position as u.Frst of all i hope u succeeded in takin ur wife to the uk. coz i uindertsand how difficult and crazy it gets to leave a loved one behind.i need ur assistance with this.id be very grateful if u could help me.my case is such that my father-in - law is holding a portuguese passport and has been livin and workin in london for the past 4 years.my husband who is on an eea family permit (dependent) holdin an indian passport and has been workin in london for the past 3 years.now i would like to join them... what visa should i apply for ?????please advise.





