My wife has successfully obtained US B1/B2 visa last year with 10 years validity. I also have valid B1/B2 visa and travelled to US in 2011 under that.
Now again I need to travel to US for business under B1 visa, and I would like my wife also to travel with me. I need to know the following.
1. What all documents my wife needs to be carried? I received one letter from my company addressing US immigration office that my wife also going to be travel along with me, is that letter is enough?
2. Do I need to make any travel insurance for her? I have been advised from my employer that for me no insurance require as I will be traveling under business visa, its require for her?
3. Do I need to carry any bank statement or any other proof of fund to support her travel?
Please help me.
Now again I need to travel to US for business under B1 visa, and I would like my wife also to travel with me. I need to know the following.
1. What all documents my wife needs to be carried? I received one letter from my company addressing US immigration office that my wife also going to be travel along with me, is that letter is enough?
2. Do I need to make any travel insurance for her? I have been advised from my employer that for me no insurance require as I will be traveling under business visa, its require for her?
3. Do I need to carry any bank statement or any other proof of fund to support her travel?
Please help me.