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Travel on B1 as co-founders

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  • Travel on B1 as co-founders

    I and one more person recently associated with an American start up registered in US as co-founders. We are getting sweat equity. We are also in the process of registering wholly owned subsidiary in India.

    I and the other person have got a valid B1 Visa and we plan to visit US to attend meetings with co-founders and to also attend a trade show. We are still in R&D stage so don’t have revenues to show. Parent company is going to take care of travel expenses and hotel expenses etc.

    Both of us traveled many times to the US as an employee of a company. Please suggest if you see any risk in our scenario. What all documents we should carry?

    Thanks for the help.

  • #2
    just carry an invite from the parent company detailing the agenda and duration of your visit. In normal course it is not a big issue.
    When the POE officer asks
    you the purpose and duration of visit, just tell him you are here on business meetings for xxxx duration. You have been to US before , so you
    know how this works.
    Secondary inspection where more details are asked about your visit comes in unusual situations eg when your stated purpose/duration makes them suspect you
    of working on a B1 visa, you have been visiting US too frequently or staying too long etc.





