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Visa to attend conference without formal invitation letter

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  • Visa to attend conference without formal invitation letter


    I am an undergraduate student in India. I have one more year left for graduation and wish to attend a conference in USA in October (during my 10 days college holidays). I have registration details for the conference but I don't have any invitation letter for it. Should I go for a B1 or B2 visa?

    As for my ties to the country I have following points:
    1) One year left in graduation.
    2) A standing job offer by Microsoft India.
    3) Family and house in India.

    My parents will be funding me.

    What documents should help my case? How much chances do I have to get a visa?

    I also have a relative in USA who will be attending the conference with me. Should/Can I have some kind of invitation letter from him? Does this help my case?

    I am planning to apply in a couple of days so immediate replies will be helpful.

    Thank You.

  • #2
    young and single people are highly suspect of being potential immigrants. A lot of people use the excuse of seminars and conferences to go to US and they do not return.

    The officer will want to see why it is so important for you to attend the conference at such a young age. They can directly ask you that question. If you
    can give him a strong convincing answer in 2-3 sentences, you could get it.

    If it is just a casual reason to go to the conference, you will be denied.

    Mention of relatives is not recommended. Documents are not that important but you should carry proof of income of your parents, a proof of conference,
    college enrollment.





