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passport and DS156 info inconsistency

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  • passport and DS156 info inconsistency

    In my passport my surname is not given instaed entire name with surname is given in full name. However while filling info in DS156 the HR of my company put my surname in the surname column of DS156. Could this lead to an objection? Im being sent through my company. my interview is on 25 sep.

  • #2
    If your entire name is in your surname in your passport, then
    your surname = your entire name
    your givenname = FNU

    FNU stands for First Name Unknown

    That is how you will have to fill all your US forms, unless you get it changed in your passport.
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    • #3
      I have applied for a Tourist Visa for my mother last day and the Interview date is on May 02.
      Her name in Passport is like this:

      Surname: ....................(blank)
      Given Names: MARY VARGHESE

      On the Online Application Form I entered,

      Surname: MARY VARGHESE
      First and Middle Names: FNU i.e., First Name Unknown (On website they asked to use like that if I want to)

      Is it correct or not?
      In my Interview Letter the name displays as FNU MARY VARGHESE

      Whether it make any issues later when I apply an Immigrant Visa or GC for my mom?

      If it is wrong do I need to cancel the Appointment since I am not able to modify those fields?
      Or I need to get the Observations from Passport Office?

      Is there any problem If I split her name and write first name in first & middle name cloumn and last name in surname column in DS-156?
      Last edited by sunilv; 04-02-2007, 01:06 PM.





