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Guide me for future please

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  • Guide me for future please

    Mine is a very special case as I'm not able to sink in that my visa has been rejected despite of holding a top position and having number of documents.
    I'm a GM in an IT SME which has a turnover of over 35 crore and I draw a good six figure salary. I joined this company just two months back and my past experience is as follows:
    Jan 2006-Dec 2006 in one established company
    June 2004-Sept 2005 in an MNC but I didn't mention this entire period as this company underwent an acquisition in May 2005 and whenever companies are acquired, you are issued a new letter by the company which acquires so I just wrote May 2005-Sept 2005 in second company details as I wanted to be honest but I took all documents about merger, bridge letter by the new company etc.

    There's a prestigious conference in March and this is amongst the most prestigious conference in USA and just to attend that, you have to pay $2400 with no refund option. My company wanted to send me for that as I'm heading the complete software division and gave me each and every document possible with my hotel booking details also ($129 per night). I went to the Chennai consulate confidentally and was waiting for my turn in the Q and had seen almost 8 approval (all elder people) and 1 rejection. When my turn came, I smiled and wish the old gentleman. He asked me my purpose of going, who was sponsoring for that and how long I'd been working for the company and when I said 2 months, he was kinda OHHHHHH 2 Months and then hechecked the past details and said that I worked for a company for a year and for another for few months but I tried to explain him and tried to push the entire file to him which he refused to accept and I told him that my registration is done, hotel booking is done, my wife n kid will be here but he'd pulled out the rejection slip by then and told me that I'm bouncing too much for jobs and he didn't trust me. I kept on telling him that before these two companies, I worked in a company for nine year at a stretch and that document is also filed but he said sorry, you may try next time.
    Now my questions are:
    1. Did I pay the price of being honest and writing May-Sept 2005 for the company?
    2. Can I write XYZ/ABC merged June 2004-May 2005 in DS-157 again? Will they ask me why I changed it or simply consider it a fraud as changing the fact (I guess they keep the record to cross check later). If they ask then I might push them to see the document again and will be saved.
    3. Is it 2 months time in the current company or 1 and 4 months in past companies which enforced them to reject this? What is the optimum stay time in a company for them? I guess in IT, anything beyond 1 yr should be ok. Is it normal that they don't check the entire background as I have 12 yrs of experience and 9 yrs in one company but since it was not in my last two, I didn't mention but carried documents.
    4. Does conference registration, conference details, position, salary play any role and if yes then why that gentleman didn't bother? I had 100% tight schedule i.e. from the day of conf to the last day and hotel booking also restricted to those days only i.e. right at the confernece end, I had to return back and no extra day.
    5. What extra should I do next time to get my visa? I'm planning to attend the same conference next year and will surely stick to the same company but my last two companies will remain the same and they may ask me the reason of previous rejection and they may go back to my 4 months stay in the company but by then I'd be having more than a year in this company so would it play a role?

    I know it's long but your reply would definitely help a needy guy.

  • #2
    I feel you can still attend the conference this year itself.

    I feel you made a mistake with ur previous employment and were not able to convince the officer.

    You should have entered the period of work as June 2004 to September 2005 and should have explained about the merger to the VO.

    My advice is consult a good immigration lawyer, they will help you fill in the necessary data and prepare all the documents.

    Apply again

    all the best to you


    • #3

      I tried to find immigration lawyer in Hyderabad/Secunderabad but couldn't find. I sent a mail to Mr. Vakil who consults for this work but didn't get any mail yet. What you think, is it advisable to book a new appointment again right now? I think that their focus will totally be on why the visa was rejected and I can show them the relevant document so focus would be on my explanation? Doesn't it hurt the rapport of the procedure if the same visa is declined and approved in 15 days time and they don't approve my visa considering this?


      • #4
        Please reply

        Any feedback about Sudhir Shah (Immigrant Lawyer in Mumbai) Mr. **** ***** (Immigrant Consultant)? I get mixed reaction for Mr. Vakil but he's backed by few VOs, rediff and some more websites.
        Last edited by wannago2usa; 03-06-2007, 03:11 PM.


        • #5
          Mr. Sudhir shah charges 15K for email consultancy and 7.5K for F2F meeting in his office and Mr. Vakil charges 7.5K. Is it worth or should we just wear our luck and go? Recently I got shock of my life that the accountant of my company got his US visa who's 6 yrs of experience (half that of mine) and earns just little. Are the VOs take special care of IT guyz?


          • #6
            Originally posted by wannago2usa
            Mr. Sudhir shah charges 15K for email consultancy and 7.5K for F2F meeting in his office and Mr. Vakil charges 7.5K. Is it worth or should we just wear our luck and go? Recently I got shock of my life that the accountant of my company got his US visa who's 6 yrs of experience (half that of mine) and earns just little. Are the VOs take special care of IT guyz?
            VOs judge the intent of the applicant. What you earn has zero significance. In your case the VO does'nt seem convinced that you will abide by the intent of the visa, bcos he assumed from the details you presented that you had changed jobs too often and you are really going to the U.S to look out for jobs rather than for a business purpose. There are hundreds of examples in this forum and in other forums where people came here on B-1, looked out for jobs, applied for H-1 and then petitioned their familes on dependent visas.

            It is upto the applicant to convince the VO that they are purely going to the U.S for the intent indicated and MOST IMPORTANTLY ABIDE by their INTENT. The more people ABUSE the visa privileges the MORE DIFFICULT is gets for EVERYONE.

            You might want to wait for 6-8 months before your next application.


            • #7
              Can my 9 yrs stay in the first company help them to understand my psyche?
              I had numerous email exchanges with ChennaiNIV and they'd assured that they'd check all the documents and I won't be interviewed by the same VO. How does it work and will it be relevant even after a year as I'm planning to file my visa again in Nov-Dec (so much time in my hand).
              Don't they have a separate conference visa?


              • #8
                The case is absolutely vice versa. I'm not desperate to come to US but too desperate to attend this conference as this is the most prestigious conference conference of my domain (used to be in Germany and been attending for last 8 yrs). In my last 12 yrs, I never bothered to goto US only because there was no reason for me to go there and I never wanted to take up employment there as people know me here, I'm advisor in two other companies and I write articles for most reputed tech magazine. In the same scenario, I would not wait for another year to come to USA so this shows my desperation for this conference and not USA.
                I generally don't understand that why they should reject visa without verifying anything and just going by their gut instinct. Even after my 12 yrs in the industry and meeting the same type of guys (who think money is everything, IT is money churning machine), it's difficult for me to judge someone in 2 minutes and documents help me to affirm my decision.
                As far as involving chennainiv is concerned, many a people suggested me to send a mail to them if I could reply and things started from there. This is what they've wrote:

                ChennaiNIV at state.gov: You may bring all the documents. You will be seen by a different officer.
                In all, 7 mails from them and they were replying happily and in detail.
                Last edited by wannago2usa; 03-07-2007, 10:51 PM.





