dear sir/madam
first of all i would like to send many thanks to you for putting such a vast information bank on your site.
I am applying for VISA and i need your help in following matters.
1. I'm permanaent resident of Uttar pradesh but for last 3 years i'm working in Madhya pradesh which comes under Mumbai zone for VISA application . could i arrange my interview in delhi or not. how should i proceede.
2. My all professional degrees are in English and i'm going for PhD degree but i' m not much fluent in English speaking . should i arrange appointment in hindi ? will it give negative impact for getting visa as my education medium will be english in usa
please help as soon as possible.
first of all i would like to send many thanks to you for putting such a vast information bank on your site.
I am applying for VISA and i need your help in following matters.
1. I'm permanaent resident of Uttar pradesh but for last 3 years i'm working in Madhya pradesh which comes under Mumbai zone for VISA application . could i arrange my interview in delhi or not. how should i proceede.
2. My all professional degrees are in English and i'm going for PhD degree but i' m not much fluent in English speaking . should i arrange appointment in hindi ? will it give negative impact for getting visa as my education medium will be english in usa
please help as soon as possible.