i am a doctor wants to take a food chain franchise from USA, i had negotiations for the last few months with the franchiser and he is going to send me an invitation letter to visit his stores in USA and taste the food. so is this enough to apply for a B2 or B1 VISA? i dont have any business rite now and i plan to start this food outlet in INDIA though i m a doctor, can i do that ? is this k 2 satisty VO to grant me a B1 or B2 visa? plz let me have some imp information regarding this.. further its imp for me 2 know though i am not doing any business in INDIA , i am afresh applying for business visa, is this k 2 apply for that rite now... as the franchiser is requesting me 2 visit USA to accept the franchise... so can i go for the visa now...
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doctor going on a business visa