Dear Expect,
Please analyse the detail below and advise or see if my B1 visa will be approved:
1. First time B1 visa applicant
2. Am a Banker by profession and woks as the Relationship Manager
3. 6 years working experience in banking
4. Purpose of travel: To attend a business conference of which I will be doing presentation
4. Duration of the visit: 4 days
5. Travel experience: I have been to Italy for similar business conference
6. Married for 2 years, wife pregnant for 5 months and has 1 child
7. My company will be paying for the total cost trip
8. However, I will be presenting on a research paper
9 Monthly salary is equivalent to $ 750.00
How should i dress for the interview ?
Kindly advise me on the possible interview and my chances of getting my visa approve
Please analyse the detail below and advise or see if my B1 visa will be approved:
1. First time B1 visa applicant
2. Am a Banker by profession and woks as the Relationship Manager
3. 6 years working experience in banking
4. Purpose of travel: To attend a business conference of which I will be doing presentation
4. Duration of the visit: 4 days
5. Travel experience: I have been to Italy for similar business conference
6. Married for 2 years, wife pregnant for 5 months and has 1 child
7. My company will be paying for the total cost trip
8. However, I will be presenting on a research paper
9 Monthly salary is equivalent to $ 750.00
How should i dress for the interview ?
Kindly advise me on the possible interview and my chances of getting my visa approve