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Abuse use of B1 Visa by my wife

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  • Abuse use of B1 Visa by my wife

    My wife is having B1 US Visa sancationed for a company which she left a year back.
    Now we are separated a month back & I come to know through my sources that she is trying to flew with my kids to US to some of his relatives using her B1 Visa.

    My question are below:-
    1.) Is she can visit on B1 visa to meet her relatives?
    2.) She is trying to work in US on B1 Visa. I believe which she can't?
    3.) Where should I report/complaint for abuse use of B1 visa by her? So she should be stopped at port of entry itself?

  • #2
    Just move on. The CBP officers at POE will do their job fine if the visa does not allow them to do what they are supposed to do.

    I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.


    • #3
      I luv to move on in life but I don't want her to take my kids away & enjoy life in US without giving divorce to me.
      So I would like to know how could I report an incident at port of entry.


      • #4
        Abuse use of B1 Visa by my wife

        Do kids have a valid passport? If not, she would need your consent to get them a passport,. Even if she has a B1and decides to travel, what visa would the kids be traveling on? First and foremost, try for reconciliation involving elders, next option would be to seek help of an Indian lawyer and file a case for divorce with your wife and mention that she should be restricted form traveling abroad. There is hardly anything in this forum for such cases. This is my opinion, no Legal advice, please consult experts too.


        • #5
          Originally posted by sunnyluv View Post
          My wife is having B1 US Visa sancationed for a company which she left a year back.
          Now we are separated a month back & I come to know through my sources that she is trying to flew with my kids to US to some of his relatives using her B1 Visa.

          My question are below:-
          1.) Is she can visit on B1 visa to meet her relatives?
          2.) She is trying to work in US on B1 Visa. I believe which she can't?
          3.) Where should I report/complaint for abuse use of B1 visa by her? So she should be stopped at port of entry itself?
          As far as entering US on her B1/B2 visa, she is not breaking any law . Even if she has left the company, she can use the same visa to visit her relatives in US.

          If she starts working in US while on a B1 / B2 status, that will be illegal.

          As far as taking your children away from you without your consent while you are still married,
          you need to talk to a good lawyer.


          • #6
            she is doing nothing illegal

            She is doing nothing illegal in this case, because she got the H1B visa and she can visit their relatives in USA,


            • #7
              Yes she can use the B1 visa provided it is still valid up to date and if it is a multiple entry.

              she cannot work under the B1 visa.

              if you want to stop her, you may opt to report to the USCIS or to your local embassy that she may opt to use the B1 visa to stay illegally in the US/ or work under the B1 visa.





