I am on a private visit in the US on B1/B2. Can I continue to work for the Indian and US teams while on B1/B2 and receive Indian salaries? My role involves managing teams in both countries.
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on B1 visa - can I work for my Indian employer and their US offices
Working on B1 is tricky
I am not an attorney but I do understand working on B1 can be tricky.
Here are some excerpts from an established immigration attorney's website. There is more on
B1 on that site but links posted on this forum are deleted.
B1 WORK criteria **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **
In order for an activity to be permitted, it must relate to an international business activity. The general criteria;
A commercial activity;
A clear intent by the alien to continue a foreign residence;
The principal place of business and the place where profits will primarily accrue are in a foreign country;
The alien's salary comes from outside the United States;
The alien's stay in the United States is temporary, although the business activity need not be; and
The alien is a business person or, if employed, is pursuing an activity that is a necessary incident of international trade or commerce.Last edited by peace999; 04-14-2012, 05:09 AM.