Hi All,
Please find the below Tips n few questions on B1 ,
Tips !!
1. Your Attire makes an impression for the interviewer as its Business Visa !! (M-Blazer , F-corporate formals).
2. Dont Murmur, Talk should be sound and energetic (But dont shout ;-) ), Be confident in your talk.
3. If you couldnt hear the question properly !! then say sorry could you please repeat that ??.
4. Try to make your answers as simple and crispy & shot !! as you get hardly few mins on interview part.
5.If they aslk you any question / details, try to justify them but dont argue !!..
Questions ?
1. which company you work for ?
2. what's your salary ? (ex : say 45000 per month INR ... never say that its CTC or Allowance ...etc .. just say exact figure ).
3 .purpose of your visit ? (Always remember Business visa means " its purely a business talks ie; Meetings , Session's ,Presentations, Implementation /Design of Projects discussions Only ... NEVER USE " TRAINING , WORK OR Knowledge Transfer " words at all ..
4.How long is your visit ?
5. whats your Agenda of your visit ?
6. Please keep your Justification handy for Either ""SHORT or LONG Trip/Visit""
7. who is your client ? (dont take /say your client name unless asked !!)
8. Who will pay for your accomadation ?
9.Why cant this meetings done from Offshore ?
10. What was your previous company ? (they may ask you if your current company exp is less than 1yr ) ?
11. In case if you have 3-4 company's shifted in less than 3yrs !! then please be prepared with justification on the same (this was asked to my friend ) ?
Friends so far this are the repetative question asked on B1 visa ... hope this will give you some Do's and Donts :-)
Please let me know if this information was usefull for you or not ,... so that i can capture more and can post more updates ..
Thank you,
Please find the below Tips n few questions on B1 ,
Tips !!
1. Your Attire makes an impression for the interviewer as its Business Visa !! (M-Blazer , F-corporate formals).
2. Dont Murmur, Talk should be sound and energetic (But dont shout ;-) ), Be confident in your talk.
3. If you couldnt hear the question properly !! then say sorry could you please repeat that ??.
4. Try to make your answers as simple and crispy & shot !! as you get hardly few mins on interview part.
5.If they aslk you any question / details, try to justify them but dont argue !!..
Questions ?
1. which company you work for ?
2. what's your salary ? (ex : say 45000 per month INR ... never say that its CTC or Allowance ...etc .. just say exact figure ).
3 .purpose of your visit ? (Always remember Business visa means " its purely a business talks ie; Meetings , Session's ,Presentations, Implementation /Design of Projects discussions Only ... NEVER USE " TRAINING , WORK OR Knowledge Transfer " words at all ..
4.How long is your visit ?
5. whats your Agenda of your visit ?
6. Please keep your Justification handy for Either ""SHORT or LONG Trip/Visit""
7. who is your client ? (dont take /say your client name unless asked !!)
8. Who will pay for your accomadation ?
9.Why cant this meetings done from Offshore ?
10. What was your previous company ? (they may ask you if your current company exp is less than 1yr ) ?
11. In case if you have 3-4 company's shifted in less than 3yrs !! then please be prepared with justification on the same (this was asked to my friend ) ?
Friends so far this are the repetative question asked on B1 visa ... hope this will give you some Do's and Donts :-)
Please let me know if this information was usefull for you or not ,... so that i can capture more and can post more updates ..
Thank you,