in connection with filing an N-400 where court certified documents are required, how and where can one get court certified documents?
the court personnel where the case was handled stated that the court does not "certify" court documents because they issue the original (the original is lost). it was suggested to ask foia for the documents
foia issued non-certified photocopies of the documents of the court case. foia does not "certify" nor "court certify" documents.
uscis said to get the court certified documents from the court - which was the first step taken.... and did not help
question: (a) would the foia-issed non-court-certified documents meet the uscis requirement in submitting "court certified documents"?
question: (b) if answer to question (a) is negative, then where, how and what is the best way to get the documents?
the court personnel where the case was handled stated that the court does not "certify" court documents because they issue the original (the original is lost). it was suggested to ask foia for the documents
foia issued non-certified photocopies of the documents of the court case. foia does not "certify" nor "court certify" documents.
uscis said to get the court certified documents from the court - which was the first step taken.... and did not help
question: (a) would the foia-issed non-court-certified documents meet the uscis requirement in submitting "court certified documents"?
question: (b) if answer to question (a) is negative, then where, how and what is the best way to get the documents?