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traffic ticket and citizenship form

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  • traffic ticket and citizenship form

    Hi all,

    I once got a traffic ticket ( failure to maintain control ), because I fell asleep for a second while driving and I ditched my car. So cop came and gave me a ticket of 195$. So I have some questions regarding my case.

    1. Do I need to answer yes to question number ( 15, 16, 17, 18 ) of for N-400 ?

    2. After reading the form I am under the impression that these questions are a judge of your good moral character, so answering them yes would go in my favor. So my next question is that in case my application gets denied because of this crime record against me, would my green card ( 10 year validity , which I received before this accident ) also stand cancelled ? or How would it effect my future renewal of green card ?

    3. If my application is not accepted how early and how often can I keep applying for citizenship ? and do I need to pay fees again and again ?

  • #2
    traffic ticket and citizenship form

    To the best of my knowledge & per the instructions to the form N-400, unless a traffic fines are over $500 or DUI related, you shouldn't have a problem either being approved for your Naturalization application or maintaining your permanent resident status.





