Hi every one here ... very useful website ...
just like to get some info regarding citizenship application n process.
i got my green card back in 2007 December . came as H4 later got Gc unconditional 10 yers card .
After 5 months i got divorced .
remarried with my current husband August 2008 in India .
now wants to apply citizenship.
is this an issue ... do they ask questions about my current marriage coz i was remarried with in 3 months ..
is any one had this kinda problem before
Can they cancel my Gc just because of that i was with him just 13 months . ( Married time 13 months )
thanks in advance
just like to get some info regarding citizenship application n process.
i got my green card back in 2007 December . came as H4 later got Gc unconditional 10 yers card .
After 5 months i got divorced .
remarried with my current husband August 2008 in India .
now wants to apply citizenship.
is this an issue ... do they ask questions about my current marriage coz i was remarried with in 3 months ..
is any one had this kinda problem before
Can they cancel my Gc just because of that i was with him just 13 months . ( Married time 13 months )
thanks in advance