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Applying for Medicaid and Medicare after getting Citizenship

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  • Applying for Medicaid and Medicare after getting Citizenship

    My mom is 74 yrs old and Dad 76 yrs just recently got their citizenship. They are staying with us and I need to know the process for applying for medicaid or medicare. I have several questions in this regard and I am hoping this forum can help us.

    - Are they eligible to get Medicaid or Medicare? ( FYI..they have not worked in the US and there not contributed to social security)

    - I have scheduled an appointment with the local social security office. There are some forms asking for household income. Since my parents do not have any income of their own can I say none or Should I declare my income. I am worried that if I show my income they become ineligible. Please advise

    - Which is the agency we should be contacting to get Medicaid?

    - How will the proposed Obama care impact this?

    - We are leaving in Texas are there any special programs in the state?

    I am sure lot of you understand how expensive getting medical insurance for elderly people is in this country, especially with the pre-existing conditions. Any advise in this regards will be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance




