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What to submit in absence of affidavit of support for N-600 application????

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  • What to submit in absence of affidavit of support for N-600 application????


    I was born in Spain to a USC father and a non USC mother. I am over 18; my father has met all the requirements of physical presence in the US, his name is on my birth certificate, but he never acknowledged paternity under a court of law and never wrote an affidavit of financial support before I reached the age of 18.
    I have provided all the evidence that USCIS needs, but they still want the affidavit or similar evidence in order to approve my case. My father and I have been close, he has sent me gifts and kept in touch over the years but never signed any official papers apart from my birth certificate. I was hoping that by sending photographs, copies of letters and evidence of the gifts he gave me as well as written statements from close friends and other family members would work.
    What do you think? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks




