Back in 2011 I was arrested and charged with disruption of a public charged. I spent about 8 hours in jail and was released on bail. This was the first time I had ever been in any form of trouble. I went to court with an attorney who said the best thing to do was to plead nolo contendre. I had no clue that it was the same as pleading guilty, or that I could have pled under first time offender.
Nonetheless, I received 1 year probation with non report and anger management which I completed within 1 week. I have applied to have my record expunged but have not heard back yet as I was informed that even though my plea my be intelligible for expungement it is still up to the DA. I need to apply for us citizenship and was wondering if this is something that is considered a moral turpitude and is deportable or is it something that may not post a problem.
Thanks for your response.
Nonetheless, I received 1 year probation with non report and anger management which I completed within 1 week. I have applied to have my record expunged but have not heard back yet as I was informed that even though my plea my be intelligible for expungement it is still up to the DA. I need to apply for us citizenship and was wondering if this is something that is considered a moral turpitude and is deportable or is it something that may not post a problem.
Thanks for your response.