Hi All,
Just wanted to get an opinions... I've been here in the US for over 15 years, I'm eligible to apply for citizenship, in fact, my parents and siblings are already a US citizens. Let just say I didn't bother applying for it till later. However, I got married and became a proud father....and then got separated but not divorce yet. On the "good moral" question about child support, how can I response to that question since I'm not paying child support? Here's the long story, my spouse is making over 3 time more that I do, she doesn't want to file for child support until I voluntarily agreed on how much she wants me to pay, she doesn't want to based it on Child Support Guidelines because she knew that I might ended up paying nothing.... On the other hand, instead of voluntarily giving her...let say $100 a week, I decided to spend the money to see my child (for gas, food, entertainment....etc) and visit her every weekend and pick her up one day every week, meaning I'm spending money to see and be with my child. Although she's not complaining and it's fine with her.... Now going back to my main question.... Is this gonna satisfy the "Good Moral" question about supporting my child? Hope to hear your opinions....thanks!
Just wanted to get an opinions... I've been here in the US for over 15 years, I'm eligible to apply for citizenship, in fact, my parents and siblings are already a US citizens. Let just say I didn't bother applying for it till later. However, I got married and became a proud father....and then got separated but not divorce yet. On the "good moral" question about child support, how can I response to that question since I'm not paying child support? Here's the long story, my spouse is making over 3 time more that I do, she doesn't want to file for child support until I voluntarily agreed on how much she wants me to pay, she doesn't want to based it on Child Support Guidelines because she knew that I might ended up paying nothing.... On the other hand, instead of voluntarily giving her...let say $100 a week, I decided to spend the money to see my child (for gas, food, entertainment....etc) and visit her every weekend and pick her up one day every week, meaning I'm spending money to see and be with my child. Although she's not complaining and it's fine with her.... Now going back to my main question.... Is this gonna satisfy the "Good Moral" question about supporting my child? Hope to hear your opinions....thanks!