Hi all, quick question. I'm about to apply for naturalization, and on the N400 application pg 13 question 7, asks "Have you ever not filed a federal, state or local tax return since you become a permanent resident?". I only started filing income taxes starting 2013 with my parents and I had a job (got my green card in 2010), it's because I was a full time student and had no income. From 2010-2012, me and my parents didn't file taxes since they both worked and lived overseas and I was in the US by myself, and plus I didn't have a job then. I also went to IRS website and took a questionnaire about if I need to file taxes or not, since I didn't have a job back then, it came out to be "no". I'm just wondering, will I get denied because I didn't file income taxes from 2010-2012??
Thank you.
Thank you.