My father received his green card in May 2010. During this time, he has stayed outside the US 5 times, ranging from 120 days to 170 days. Each individual visit is less than 6 months, and the total stay in the US has been about 65%. So, he meets all 4 of the below conditions.
1. Total time since green card > 5 years
2. Staying at current address > 3 months
3. Each visit outside US < 6 months
4. Total physical stay in the US, about 60% of the 5 years.
However, if I use a "sliding window", there's a stretch when he has stayed outside US a lot. Below are two of the trips. So, between 4/18/14 and 3/18/15 (11 months), he stayed outside the US a total of 326 days. Is this a cause for concern?
Date left US Date came back Days outside US
10/10/2014 3/18/2015 159
4/18/2014 10/2/2014 167
1. Total time since green card > 5 years
2. Staying at current address > 3 months
3. Each visit outside US < 6 months
4. Total physical stay in the US, about 60% of the 5 years.
However, if I use a "sliding window", there's a stretch when he has stayed outside US a lot. Below are two of the trips. So, between 4/18/14 and 3/18/15 (11 months), he stayed outside the US a total of 326 days. Is this a cause for concern?
Date left US Date came back Days outside US
10/10/2014 3/18/2015 159
4/18/2014 10/2/2014 167