I'm a US citizen, and I got married to an Indian in India in July '16. We both are divorcees. My troubles started soon after the honeymoon - when she accused me of having feelings for my ex and having 'relations' with 'girlfriends'. She was hysterical and we were afraid that the police would be involved - luckily they weren't. She threatened that she would hurt herself, her parents, my parents, myself and my family. We were so shocked that we calmed her down, her parents called me and apologized profusely for her daughters actions. I lived with her for about 19days and I came back to the US and immediately applied for her to come to the US. The verbal abuse has been increasing since then. She picks what subject to complain about - usually my ex, and then she cries, shouts verbal assaults on the phone and of course threatens me, my family, & her family. I'm thru with this woman. I want out of this relationship. No money changed hands & no dowry was asked. Can I file for divorce here in the US even though the marriage occurred in India? Is it a laborious process? I spent most of my money getting married in India
. Do I need a lawyer? Can someone help? Please? Any info would be greatly appreciated.