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Sticky Situation in my citizenship issue

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  • Sticky Situation in my citizenship issue

    Hi folks

    The appointment letter I received showed I needed a passport, green card , appointment letter at my interview. Since I was over 26 yrs old when I received my GC, I did not bother about the "service thing" and I hope that will not be a problem in my interview

    However what I did not consder and what I now feel is important is getting the in state Driver's license. I am in PA now and have my license from CA. I have only 3 days to the interview and so cannot get a "pictured Driver License" for sure. At best, I can get the temp License and this would mean I would have to suurender my current picture License from CA. I blame myself for this negligence but its late for me to do anything about it. I am now in the damage control mode. What is my best bet?

    1. Firstly- Is DL necessary ? It was not mentioned in the appt letter and I wonder how people who do not own/drive a car get citizenship.

    2. assuming it is necessary for whatever reason, should I stay with my current valid CA license? I read one experience here and going by that, this would not be a good move

    3. Should I surrender my CA license and get a new temp License - This way I do have a valid license ( even though it would be a temp without a picture) and my GC plus passport could serve as photo identity as well. Right now, I am leaning towards this option

    4. What is the worst case scenario assuming eveything else is fine. Would they reject me or keep my file pending asking me to show up again with the missing doc?

    This is not common experience as most people would be diligent about this, but if anybody has slipped like I did, it would help me to know how things are likely to pan out





