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My file is still not here!!!

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  • My file is still not here!!!

    Hi everyone ,
    I have been waiting for my citizenship interview and I got the interview date on December 14 2017, I was so happy and so excited, been steady really hard. And the day of December 14 came, my husband and I got up early coz it took about one and half hours to get to Fort Myers Immigration Office. We arrived and check in with my appointment letter. I wait for about 15 minutes she call my number, I was so excited , she ask " how are you today". I said " I'm good thank you". And then she said " I'm sorry , your file is not here, it still not send from uscis, so by law I can not interview you today. I was so shock, sad and disappointed . I ask her when can I get an interview then? Don't know may be January? We are so sorry it impossible for me to get your file today. I will send request to uscis at the end of the day, she said

    I am so down. I have been practicing and preparing everything for that day. I just felt like ,it not fair for me.
    Anybody have same experience like me? How long do I have to wait now?

    Thank you

  • #2
    I never heard of that happening, but anything is possible.
    I hope that you get a new interview soon. If you have any questions, call your USCIS office and talk to an employee. I would be curious to know if they have found your file.

    Good luck!





