My daughter has lived overseas since she was 15, with a few visits to the states after that. She had a baby overseas and to get citizenship for the baby, she needed to prove residency. I have school records up to when she left, but nothing after that. I was thinking of filing an affidavit of physical presence for her at the local embassy, but if they look up her exact dates of presence, I'm not sure it would be quite the required 2 years after age 14. Should I do the affidavit and take it to the embassy and see what they say? Or should I just get his citizenship through me, I'm still physically present in the US. The only problem with that is I read my grandson has to be present in the US for me to get his citizenship. He's an infant and can't do interviews or take an oath. Do they insist on babies being present to use the grandparent's citizenship? What's the best way to do this at the embassy?