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    Hi everyone! My bf is about to apply for citizenship. We are wondering which way would be faster, online filling or paper?
    Is anybody here has experience with online filling? Can you please share your timeline?
    Thank you!

  • #2
    paper VS online N400

    hello, I applied last December I sent paper but I don't know why USCIS transformed my case online. And as for now my estimated case completion time is 3 months after fingerprints that were a month ago.
    my friend filed on paper with prefix NBC last august and till now no updates. I am also following N400 cases on **** **** .com and all the online filers are completed in a range of 145 to 200 days with IOE receipts prefix,
    I am also an IOE. so I will file it online if I could, good luck!


    • #3
      Originally posted by NYC400 View Post
      hello, I applied last December I sent paper but I don't know why USCIS transformed my case online. And as for now my estimated case completion time is 3 months after fingerprints that were a month ago.
      my friend filed on paper with prefix NBC last august and till now no updates. I am also following N400 cases on **** **** .com and all the online filers are completed in a range of 145 to 200 days with IOE receipts prefix,
      I am also an IOE. so I will file it online if I could, good luck!
      Thank you! Im hearing a lot people saying that online is going way faster than paper..
      I think we have to try and see.
      Good luck on your end as well.





