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Finished interview today

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  • Finished interview today

    Hi guys,

    Just finished my interview at Oakland, CA, today.
    Interview was very simple. Don't stress on the interview @ all. I was over-prepared and over-dressed with a suit . Just review the 100 questions from the finger printing booklet and interview will be a breeze(just played the CD while commuting).

    Application Date: Feb 1'st week.
    Receipt: Feb 16'th.
    FP notice: Feb 20'th.
    FP: March 15'th.
    Interview:May 3'rd.
    Oath: June 5'th.

  • #2
    Finished interview

    Both my wife and I finished our interviews yesterday in Oakland, CA. My interview was done in abt 5 mts and my wifes in less than 10 minutes. We got our congratulations letter. Since we will be travelling outside US next month, we requested for an Oath date in August. The officer noted this and informed us that they will send us mail as they schedule our oath in August. She mentioned they cannot schedule beyond June at this time.
    The interview was a breeze, I was asked to answer 8 q's while my wife was asked to answer all the 10.


    • #3





