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N400 processing time for Vermont

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  • N400 processing time for Vermont


    Anyone know how long its taking to process? I'm from Northern VA and had my fingerprinting on Feb 06, 2007. We are planning to go to India in December but not sure if we will get the Interview letter early enough as passport processing is taking upto 3 months.

    Any help is appreciated.

  • #2
    It really depends on the local office. I sent my papers on February 9th, my interview is scheduled for September. My office is Baltimore, which seems to a little back logged at the moment.


    • #3
      Timeline Varies

      Timeline @ Vermon seems to vary a lot.

      I consulted some people and found out that there are some who've got their FP appointments in March already had their interview and oath and got their Naturalization certificates from Newark.

      With expedited U.S. Passport applications, they already got their passports!

      Also, make sure you apply for your U.S. passport for EXPEDITED processing and pay extra ($16.25) for express/overnight mail delivery.

      Make sure the USPS employee puts the yellow EXPEDITE sticker on the outside of the envelope.

      Additionally, what you can do is once you get the interview date @ Newark, get the appointment @ a local USPS Post Office scheduled for the NEXT day. This will save you a lot of time.

      Good luck.





