I had the citizenship interview on May 24th, 2007, and received 'congratulation paper after interview, but
I did not receive anything about the oath ceremoney.
I did not receive form 445.
I sent so many e-mails to USCIS, but no answer....
I think that something is missing or wrong.
What should I do?
Do I need to visit the Portland Federal Government Office?
Would you please let me know why I did not hear about the oath ceremoney?
Thank you for your time.
My name is
I did not receive anything about the oath ceremoney.
I did not receive form 445.
I sent so many e-mails to USCIS, but no answer....
I think that something is missing or wrong.
What should I do?
Do I need to visit the Portland Federal Government Office?
Would you please let me know why I did not hear about the oath ceremoney?
Thank you for your time.
My name is