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n-400 7C Trips more than 24 hours

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  • n-400 7C Trips more than 24 hours

    I am having problems completing 7C on n-400. I know that I have about 52 days to account for, but have no idea of many of the dates.

    Is there a place to request this information from the govt? Or do I just put the ones I have and explain that I don't have all of the dates?

  • #2
    Check previous posts - here is the info

    You can save valuable time by searching previous posts.

    Here you go:

    Be as accurate as possible
    Try to be as accurate as possible. You don't have to be 100% but should try your best to get your previous records.

    If you cannot find them, that's fine, USCIS will not have a problem as long as you show them your current travel properly.

    Also, they ask for information but not the documents to show any proof of travel.

    For example, if you drive to Canada from USA and drive back while spending only cash in Canada, there is no way you will have any proof of travel.

    So don't worry, just be honest and truthful. If you wish you can also attach a separate letter stating the facts.

    Good luck.


    • #3
      Check in your passport...

      You will have stamp for date of entry from home country immigration.

      End date stamp by USCIS when you return back.





